Multi-channel Messaging Element by Ecerium

Notifications in your application ? Check out our element!

Configure and create custom templates using our management tool and send communications through various channels like E-mail, sms/text*, push notification* or even a real letter in an envelop*. Eceriums Multi-Channel Messaging Element (MCME)
*coming soon
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Try the Multi-Channel Messaging Element for free. Integrate any communication channel to your application in no time and reduce your project’s time-to-market!
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Customers using our Elements



Multi-channel communication

Add any communication channel to your application in no time. Send communications to any user on any scale. Use our management tool even supports multiple languages. The Ecerium MCME sends out every message – guaranteed.


Faster development

With MCME you don’t need to develop any messaging software and infrastructure yourself. Reduce your time-to-market. The Multi-Channel Messaging Element is fully documented, offers a strong SLA and is compatible with other Ecerium Elements.


A better overview

Use the dashboard to follow up notifications. It offers a complete overview of the status and history of sent messages. Use the API to integrate our dashboard data in your own applications or back office environment.



The MCME is a flexible solution. Java, Javascript , C# .Net, PHP, Ruby, Python, it doesn't mather what your language of choice is. With our API you application has no limits. External hosting guarantees high availability and scalability.

Try it!

Dear @recipient,

We thank you for using our MCM Element to generate a notification.

Our Ecerium Elements are unique pieces which can be used for @productname. Integrate and combine them as you like to create the desired digital solution.

Best regards,


Tuesday, January 21
New Message
Ecerium Notifications

What do our users say about our pdf generation element

.NET developer

I used to write endless generic code to generate a PDF when I had to add new contracts to our application. Thanks to the PDF Element I can now just select the data and send it to the API, thats it!.

Benjamin Cuestermans
Technical consultant .NET
Software Architect

Not having to search through a variety of PDF generation libraries to see which one allows me to do what I need saves me tonnes of time. Ecerium PDF Element takes away the hassle and just works.

Davy Brion
Senior freelance developer

So easy to generate many different styles of PDF very quickly. The Ecerium PDF Element allows me to focus on the core of my application and takes care of other tasks like generating a PDF.

Simon Bogaerts
Enginering consultant

Shorten your time-to-market

Try the Multi-Channel Messaging Element for free. Integrate, test, and scale components for email, text and other messages independently and reduce your time-to-market. Benefit from using the same API call (single point of entrance) for all types of notifications.

Why choose Ecerium Elements ?

Ecerium offers a variety of services, or Elements as we like to call them.
From communication elements to invoicing elements. See what we can do for you.


Shorter time-to-market

Boost your existing applications or give a new project a shorter time-to-market. Start with just one element and add more as you seem fit. Our microservices can be used independently to fit your needs.


Focus on what’s important

All of your attention should go to the core functionality of your application. Using Ecerium’s Elements, you can easily expand that functionality with extra features.


Reduce development cost and risk

Application development requires both human and financial resources. Pick your Ready-to-use elements and eliminate the risks associated with custom software development. Spend your budget wisely where you really need it. Less is more!


The Ecerium ecosystem

The Ecerium Elements ecosystem is an open SaaS platform. The ecosystem consists of a series of modular services (or elements as we call them). They can be easily combined with each other, extended to new or existing customers, or used as stand-alone solutions. The ecosystem is compatible with other platforms, including Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Our Ecerium Elements

The Ecerium Elements are unique pieces which fit in your puzzle. Integrate and combine them as you like to create your digital solution.

Authentication Element
Recognize and register people on your platform. Know each individual and give them rights to use their personal accounts and available features.
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MCM Element
Use this Ecerium Element for a wide range of notifications. SMS, Voice To Speech, Letter, Registered Letters or E-mail, it’s all possible.
Licensing Element
 Sometimes only the possibility of creating an account doesn’t do the trick. Provide all kinds of paying and non-paying licenses to the different accounts of your service.
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PDF Element
Free of use, this Element generates contracts, invoices and other template-based documents in a couple of minutes and saves you a lot of time and money.
FAQ Element
Improve customer service by providing answers to frequently asked questions in an separate section
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Credit Element
Implement credits to use as a payment method for purchases on your platform.
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Authorization Element
The authorization services allows role management, permissions and features to users and applications. An overview helps to keep track of your authorizations.
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Action Log Element
This Element allows you to make a simple and chronological history of actions. Allowing you to track actions and those who executed them.
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Archiving Element
Archiving as a service to preserve and secure valuable documents and files
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Multi Factor Authentication
The required tools to easily authenticate users through multi factor authentication.  
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Profile Element
Create user profiles to register the clients of your own service
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Auditing Element
Get information, track events and extract statistics by using the auditing service
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Blog Element
This Element facilitates tools to publish, manage and arrange blog related content
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CSV Import Element
An easy way to configure CSV imports. Process and organize this data in a common format for comparison between different imports
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Invoicing Element
Send invoices to recipients, collect receivables and manage the cash flow
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Secure Storage Element
This service permits you to store and manage sensitive information in a highly secured environment
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Workflow Element
Define a workflow of actions that need to be performed in the correct order. Automatically setup these workflows based on a certain set of conditions.
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This is how Ecerium makes the difference



We take care of our customers, thanks to in-depth documentation, user-friendly APIs and ease of integration. The end-user benefits from intuitive dashboards and an easily manageable multi-user environment.



When your application goes down for some reason this has no impact on our (external) elements. Ecerium Elements will be up and running – guaranteed. Even upgrading our elements causes no downtime for your application.